Who am I?
I stand in who I am.
How did I stand?
How do I stand?
I am a survivor of abortion.
I am a product of an affair.
I am a produce of two who didn’t want one.
I am a survivor because My LORD never left me or forsaken me.
I am a survivor of a heart murmur.
I am a survivor of a childhood heart attack.
I survived as a child of My LORD because HE loves me.
I survived:
Child abuse,
Sexual abuse,
Emotional abuse,
Physical abuse,
Gang violence of walking over a dead body during a shootout,
Bullying at school,
Numerous break ins of our home,
Robbed by knife point in my home at age 5 or 6,
Being like a prisoner in our home,
Threats of because of my race,
Humiliation because being a product of an affair,
Foreclosure of my childhood home
Suicide attempt by swollen pills in front of my mother who gave me the glass of water I asked for
ER with stomach being pumped
Being lined up in our kitchen with threats to be shot by my stepfather as he laid the 38 on the table
Spousal abuse
I stand:
I stand because of whose I am
I stand because of who I am
I stand because My LORD loves me
I stand because He’s there always
I stand because of the warrior He is
I stand because of the wise counselor He is
I stand because He gives me ears to hear counselor
I stand because He loves me
I stand because He has not forsaken me
I stand because the mercy and grace given to me
I stand because He died for me and my sins
I stand because My LORD is the greatest
I stand on the Word of God
I stand on Jesus Christ
I stand on my faith even as small as a mustard seed
I stand because He chose me
I stand because of whose I am
I stand because I’m a child of God
A poem, blog, essay? Or just words on who I am? Or just words on how I stand?