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COMPASSION: IS IT M.I.A.? (Missing In Action)


by Janice Newman

We need more compassion in our lives! The virtue of compassion appears to be Missing In Action in today’s society. We are constantly busy, running the rat race, and trying to make ends meet that society is focused on the “I”, “ME”, and “MYSELF” that we don’t notice the “US”, “WE”, or “THEY”. Many of us have lost compassion for others as the world and most of society puts the emphasis on the I. Compassion is having sympathy and concern for others who might be suffering or in need. We have emotional connection and feelings for others in need through our level of compassion for others that causes us to act to relieve that suffering. However, with our constantly busy lives, we appear to be missing or unaware of others around us in need. Or are we aware but choose to ignore it because we don’t have time or want to care?

Jesus taught the parable of the Samaritan helping a wounded man in Luke 10:29-37 (NIV) on exhibiting great compassion and love for others. In the parable, a man was robbed, beaten, and left for dead on the road. Three people walk by the man including the first two a priest and a Levite, also in the priesthood. These men cross the road to avoid the wounded man. They purposefully chose to ignore the man and lacked compassion or concern. The third man was a Samaritan, whose people were despised at the time. The Samaritan chose to help the man by bandaging his wounds, taking him to an inn so he could recover, and paying the cost with no expectation of being paid back. He helped a stranger in need out of his compassion for others.

People are called to have compassion and love for others no matter what religion, culture, race, or social affiliation of people who are different from us. We are called by God to love others and compassion plays a role. Jesus talks about the greatest commandments in Matthew 22:37-39 (NIV) “Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’”. Which of the three men had neighborly love for the wounded man?

Last week, leaving my house rushing for an appointment in heavy pouring rain, an elderly lady in a wheelchair was waving her arm at the passing cars. When I drove passed, I heard her say “Help!”. My thoughts were I was going to be late if I stopped, what type of help she needed, if I could help, if it was a rouse, etc. Then God popped into my head the parable of the Samaritan and to turn around to help.

My husband and I asked how she needed help. The lady was in a panic that the sidewalk was covered with water, possibly mud that her wheelchair would get stuck or fall over. All she needed and was praying to God for help for someone to guide her through the high puddle to calm her fear. She didn’t need help to push just to navigate her safely. We easily helped her, and she was on her way in a minute.

I don’t know how long she was crying out and waving for help, but she was on a well-traveled street and right next to a busy church/school parking lot exit, and no one stopped. Learn to increase your compassion for others by

1. Putting yourself in other’s shoes.

2. Practicing kindness.

3. Withholding judgment.

4. Slow down and be aware of others.

5. Following Jesus’ example of caring for others.

6. Obeying God’s command to love others.

Demonstrate compassion for others because you want others to have compassion for you if you are in need. Y? Why Not!

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