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P.L.O.W. Through the S.N.O.W.


P.L.O.W. Through the S.N.O.W.

By Janice R Newman, MA

When you look out the window it truly appears to be the heart of the winter in Chicagoland. The snow is on the ground and steadily falling faster than we want, children are quickly building snow figures, and in the distance you hear the large street plow coming through the snow. Its job is to PLOW through the SNOW. The driver focuses on getting the job done by plowing through all the bad weather: snow, ice, sleet, or a combination to clear the roads so that they are easier to maneuver. The snowplow is equipped with the proper gear with a large enough mechanical shovel, large wheels to roll over any increments on the ground, and high above the ground with enough engine power to not be defeated. Built appropriately to accomplish its purpose. So how can we apply this premise to our lives to accomplish our purpose?

What is P.L.O.W. through the S.N.O.W.?

I was getting ready for bed and communicating with God concerning what God wanted me to convey to readers. I fell asleep quickly, just to be woken by the noise of a distance snowplow clearing the streets. I felt in my soul God saying to me PLOW through the SNOW. I questioned what that meant. Then it came like a bolt. It is P: pray and praise, L: listen; O: obey; W: walk and work; through the S: situations; N: negativity; O: obstacles and objections; and W: weaknesses and warfare: with God’s help. It was extremely clear, and I understood. For me to accomplish the plans and purposes God has implanted in me, I need to use PLOW to remove the SNOW that was preventing me from action.

Then God put in my heart to remember that God cannot be defeated. “If God is for us, who is against us?” (Romans 8:31 NIV). Therefore, as Christians, who have belief and faith in Jesus Christ, who dwells in us, then God is in us. The Holy Spirit that dwells in us, helps us to accomplish the plans and purposes God has for us, if we are willing to access God’s help to PLOW through the SNOW.

How do we implement PLOW to remove the SNOW?

First, we have to PRAY to the Lord and PRAISE the Lord. This starts with the basics of praying, communicating, and expressing your words and feelings to God through an intimate relationship with the Father. Just talk! It’s that simple about what the SNOW might be that’s concerning you or just about your day. While you’re talking also praise the Lord for all things, the good and the bad, for we don’t have the mind of God, but we know God works for our good. “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5, NIV).

Second, we must LISTEN. Sometimes we need to just shut up and pay attention to what is being said back to us regarding the SNOW from God. After my brain surgery, I could not speak or communicate, therefore I just had to sit, shut up, and listen to what God wanted to say to me. God knows all and all including wisdom comes from God, so why not listen and learn from the greatest? It’s a lot easier when you’re willing to listen. “Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction” (Proverbs 1:8, NIV).

Third, we must OBEY what we heard. Isn’t it just like a child saying they’re listening to a parent’s directions and then don’t obey the instructions? Then, when everything turns upside down, they want to blame the parent for not being clear. God will be clear with instructions. We may not like them or understand them or most likely not want to obey them is more like it. If we don’t understand or think we didn’t hear God right the first time, ask again. God will repeat it back to us. How many times do we hear do this or that numerous times and still don’t? I know I have. We must be like NIKE’s slogan and Just Do It.

Lastly, we must WALK and WORK out the plan and instructions that God has provided for us. This is the time to get in motion! Start walking the path and vision that God has planted in us. Start working out the details as they come to you. Work the plan and the plan will work. Do not be afraid to walk, work, and you may stumble but you will not be defeated but will overcome all the SNOW. God commands in Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (NIV). This is one of my favorite verses that gives me power and courage.

By the power of P.L.O.W. and the full armor of God, we can clear the S.N.O.W. that tries to defeat us daily. God does not say there will be no bad situations, negativity, obstacles, objections, weaknesses, and warfare. As Christians, we can come boldly to the throne to seek help from our Father.

Situations, good and bad, will also come that’s part of life. Throughout the Bible, people experienced happy and sad times, but God was there. When situations arise, we must draw on God’s strength as we cannot do this alone. God never promised easy. God does say He will provide us the strength, courage, peace, patience, faithfulness, and love to get us through the SNOW. If anyone’s ever shoveled snow, you know it’s not easy.

Negativity will creep its head up in all situations from inside your mind, others influence, or the world directly. We must fight off and dismiss negative comments and thoughts, or inconsiderate reactions from others that are aimed to destroy us or throw us off focus on our plans. You must hold on to God cannot lie, therefore His words cannot return void. If you know, the plans are from God, it will manifest, as its God’s will. Review Isaiah 55:11 “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (NIV). God says He will be there, it shall prosper, you shall preserve, and you will not be forsaken.

Now going back to the snowplow, I think of all the vehicles left in the street, which are supposed to be removed after over 2” inches of snowfall. The driver has to navigate around all those obstacles (cars, trucks, garbage cans) and objections of people refusing to go out in the cold to move their vehicles to ensure a clear street. The driver keeps going despite it all to stay focused on the task. The driver has full faith that the plow will remove what it focuses on to the finish. We should have the same faith that God will help us with His power to remove whatever is set before us just as the snowplow removed the SNOW.

Lastly, think of that strong metal snowplow that is fully equipped to handle any weather. God equips us with His armor and power to overcome weaknesses and battle warfare if we use it. We have God’s armor readily available for us to strengthen us over our weaknesses and to protect us in battle. “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11 KJV). God bestows us a belt of truth, a breastplate of righteousness, a shield of faith, a helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. With all that armor and God, who really can be against us?

We as Christians need to P.L.O.W. THROUGH THE S.N.O.W. with GOD’S HELP. By using the power given to us by our Lord through faith in Jesus Christ, we can pray, praise, listen, obey, walk, and work our way through to the successful accomplishment the Lord has planned for us. Plans to prosper us and not to harm us, to remove and break through the situations that will arise, fight negativity, overcome obstacles and objections, dismiss our weaknesses, and be victorious in battles of warfare. I believe that you have what God intended you to have to reach your goals and help others reach their goals. Y? Why Not!

Bio: Janice Newman is the producer and host of the cable television series Y? Why Not! that airs weekly across the country. She is a business entrepreneur and owner of a real estate appraisal and brokerage company, professional development specialist, certificate in Christian counseling, writer, and teacher.

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Self-Authored Work

was published in the February Edition of Black 2 Black Magazine 02/2023

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