I bet you’re wondering what exactly is “RE” Time. And how is it going to improve your life, especially since you probably have no clue what “RE” Time is? I’m glad you’re inquisitive.
I was 1st introduced to “RE” Time at the start of the pandemic in 2020. My life was drastically changed in a matter of days. My work was transitioning remotely and limited onsite appraisal inspections. My daughter was an ICU nurse working with the increasing number of Covid patients. My son worked at a university which sent everyone home. My husband was in college classes then changed to remote. I turned to God with prayers to seek guidance and wisdom. Then, it seemed like wherever I turned or spoke to someone “RE” words appeared.
Through prayer, God kept revealing to me “RE” words: review, rethink, renew, etc. Everywhere I went or read something, and even in the church, “RE” words seemed to be flashing in front of me. I couldn’t avoid a day or conversation without a “RE” word, so I researched it more. “RE” is a prefix that means per Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary: again or anew. Basically “RE” is to look at or do something again or make something anew. Sometimes you must look at it again or do something a new way to improve the outcome and get better results.
Are you having trouble finding the motivation to make changes in your life? Each person is different, but sometimes the best way to kick yourself into action is to review your life but don’t relive your life, rethink various patterns to look for ways of improvement, refocus energy on each area of your life that you would like to improve and renew your outlook on life. Here are some tips that can help you with this process and encourage you to improve in all areas of your life one “RE” step at a time!
At 12 O’clock is to REVIEW your life, but don't relive your life. It is not about reliving the past or being too hard on yourself. Look back and analyze what has been done and what needs to be accomplished including the GOOD and the BAD. Take time to look over personal relationships, work, career, finances, education, values, character, and spirituality. Look over your physical appearance and health too. Reviewing is just to take note or inventory of what you’ve already accomplished, who you are, what you stand for, how you reacted in certain situations, what major events happened in your life, and when or what time frame you accomplished them.
We analyze the details of the four W’s (who, what, where, and when). We DON’T analyze the why or how because those are objective and reflective. In review, you want to avoid any reasoning and just stick with the facts. Write your analysis down. This helps in visually seeing what you’ve accomplished and boosts your confidence.
Reviewing your life to identify goals and patterns, can help you find new motivation and ways of improving. The key to improving your life is by making positive changes, even if it's one small thing at a time. Reviewing also helps you think through all your options before making any big decisions. You might have thought you were moving forward with life but sharing your review list with a neutral outsider such as a coach, pastor, or friend can really give you that extra push to revitalize and reinvent yourself because they can look at your life from a fresh perspective. So don't be afraid to ask questions and talk out your thoughts with someone.
The 3 O’clock task is to “RETHINK” your life. Rethinking is not an easy task, and many people are afraid to think outside the box. However, when it comes to your patterns, it is important that you rethink what could be causing them and where they may come from. Behavior is based on thinking so if you want different behavior then you must rethink what caused those thoughts and behaviors in the first place. For people to think positively it can take some time with trying out new habits and having positive viewpoints about oneself and life in general. There's no one way of doing anything but being open-minded about your patterns might just help improve your life in more ways than one.
It is all possible by rethinking the way we do things and starting fresh! Remember the “REVIEW” list? Now I want you to look at it again. For continual improvement and success, this is when you analyze the WHY and HOW. Why and how did we react or respond the way we did in those situations? You must rethink your current viewpoints, behaviors, and thinking patterns to determine if there were and are effective, along with why and how they contribute to your values and character.
Sometimes all it takes is just being mindful of your actions and realizing that every action has consequences. Why did you become fearful of the promotion or procrastinate over decisions? Try not to be judgmental, this task is to determine your thinking and logic behind those decisions. It looks at our emotions that sometimes need to be adjusted or rethought. For example, if you dated someone because you liked their car or how they dress but didn’t focus on their personality or character then you probably need to rethink what makes a great candidate to date. Self-reflect and analyze the list without dwelling on the past or becoming overwhelmed by it. The past is the past. We can not change it no matter how hard we want to. The purpose is to change our thinking, so we don’t repeat the bad past and improve or repeat the good past.
The importance of self-reflection will eventually lead to positive changes such as living up to one's full potential as well as breaking bad habits by making better decisions. You may want to rethink how you've treated others in the past. If there are any negative thoughts in the way you see yourself, then it is time for a total transformation with renewed thinking that will lead you toward better living.
3) “RE”: RENEW
At 9 O’clock, the task ‘RE”TIME task is to RENEW your mind, outlook, and life. You take the prior knowledge you’ve learned from working on other “RE” words to determine a new purpose and blueprint for your life. What are your new purposes for your life, career, relationships, health, and spiritual life that are motivating you to make changes and improvements in these areas? What habits or patterns do you need to leave behind, break, and create? The RENEW TIME is when you take action, power, and control over your life to create the “NEW YOU”!
Romans 12:2 NIV reminds us “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. RENEW yourself allows you to get rid of the old patterns and habits, then formulate the person you desire to be by leaving behind the past that was ineffective and didn’t work. When you renew yourself, it cultivates self-confidence that prepares you for the future. Why would we want to keep any bad habits, thought patterns, or character traits if they held us back and were dysfunctional? If you want to improve your life – putting it bluntly – the bad has to go! Kick those bad habits like smoking, negative thinking, and out-of-control spending out the door! Kick them to the CURB!
When you “RE”NEW your life, you'll also learn to set realistic expectations for yourself which will take away anxiety associated with unrealistic goals that will halt your success. You'll also gain skills in goal setting and time management which will lead to more enjoyment of the present moment while feeling more prepared for the future. You focus on healthy habits so that you don't just continue old patterns or fall back into old habits as well as give ideas about how to make positive changes to live up to our full potential.
“RE” Time is a personal developing system that allows you to focus on various important “RE” words to lead you to success, mold a new you, and overcome obstacles by self-awareness through the development of crucial skills, habits, and thought patterns. The starting point is to REVIEW our lives unobjectively without bias or emotions to get a picture of who we are. After that, there are 12 major key “RE” words to work on at various times so one focus will lead into the next focus.
“RE”TIME is associated with a clock because it takes time to change your life and create a new you. There are also other numerous “RE” words that are necessary to work on to improve our lives, career, relationships, and spiritual life.
Improving your life one “RE” at a TIME is the key to success in planning, goal-setting, and follow-through. Start making changes by using one of the “RE” Time words - as motivation!
